Aiuto Regista
Disponibile per nuove opportunità lavorative
09/08/1976 | Lucca
De Nicola Lorenzo

After graduating from DAMS (Torino, Italy) in 2001, he has been working nationally and internationally and has released short movies, documentaries, music videos. Alongside his award-winning independent productions, Lorenzo has collaborated as an assistant director, both in film and television with Ricky Tognazzi, Timur Bekmambetov, Kinka Usher, Marco Turco, Alessandro Comodin, Coling Teague, Vince Squibb, Sergej Protasovitskii, James Willis, Matteo Bonifazio, Bellone e Consonni, Davide Ferrario, Steven Zaillian, Robert Legato.
Executive producer for Star Stuff, a Milad Tangshir’s documentary, shooted in different countries around the world.
His versatile job experience also includes positions as stage manager, show caller and video producer in large scale entertainment events by international production companies such as Balich Worldwide Show, D-Wok, Five Currents.

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